Monday, June 22, 2015

Faucet? Socket? Soffit?

After the house was de-jungled it was time for construction! I have watched enough home improvement & renovation shows to know that water is the enemy to any house & it was no less forgiving to ours. I have no doubt in my mind that if the manor was wood instead of brick it would have long since been in a landfill somewhere. Thankfully, the only major water damage was to the two addditions that were going to be removed anyway, the terrace above the porch and to the soffits/fascia boards. I am going to admit, I didn't know what a sofft was but I did know that there was a big opening going around the underneath side of where our roof came out around the whole house and that was not good. Jeremy on the other hand knew what we were dealing with & gave me a crash course. And thanks to him & the wonderful interwebs, I'm throwing out terms like fascia, frieze, cornice, soffit, rake, eave & drip edge like a regular little Bob Vila. Bam!

No soffits = no protection to the edge of your rafters, no proper shedding of water & it's a great welcome mat for racoons to get in your attic and camp out for the winter (oh the horrors I've seen in that attic!).

Here's a cameo appearance from my dad, "the foreman". He doesn't like heights so he stays below and likes to make Jeremy nervous about every cut he makes and every nail he hammers. ;) I'm joking...he's actually been a huge help over the past several months. Lesson #3: Accept help when it is offered no matter how proud you are.

We've kind of taken a break this winter but as soon as the weather cooperates we'll get back on those soffits & I'll get back to tackling the attic. *cringe* More to come later....

In the meantime, I've been trying to figure out the significance of the XO pattern that is all over the house...or even finding another house that has this kind of pattern in the brick. Not having much luck though....


  1. I like to think that the X and 0 pattern means love and kisses! Really, though, do you know who the builder is? Sometimes the builders had a trademark piece. If you can find out who the builder is, post it, and maybe we can do some internet research here for you!

  2. Unfortunately, I do not know who the builder was. I have heard that he built 4 houses with the XO pattern and ours is one of 3 that still stands...and that one was maybe in Lees Summit, MO? I'm not sure if that's true or just a story though. I do have an original picture of the house though that I'm going to post soon! :)

    1. i love reading all the updates, seeing the pictures. the slides of the flowers.. i would love a tour when its all said and done... i have loved this house since i was a little girl and my dad mowed the grass there. i always said if i ever had the means to buy it and restore it i would.. so glad that u did.. always thought it was a shame that it was just sitting there sitting empty , falling apart.. it needs a family , with love and kindess, and pitter patters of little feet, to bring in the sunshine, and i think u are the family that will do it! congrats again and good luck!

    2. Awwww, thanks Sara. I needed someone to love it again. I would love to give you a tour when it's done as long as you don't mind waiting a few years, lol. We've actually talked about having an open house when it's done so the town & people who are following the progress could see it finished in person. It will take a while but we'll get there one of these days! :)

    3. Even your thought is sweet! I love how you write, and your attitude is Great! From one old house person to another, I wish you success and joy in the Manor!

    4. Thanks Joanne...I really appreciate the kind words!

  3. Hi thinking of you and the house,
    any updates over the summer?

  4. Found your update on Home screen.
